Tamoʻe, tamoʻe metotia, fesoasoani mo tagata tamoʻe

There can be many reasons for discomfort – overstrained back and neck, incorrectly placed hands, breathing out of rhythm, etc. Fortunately, all this is easily corrected.

Keep track of your stride length

The steps should be neither mincing like Charlie Chaplin, nor giant, like Gulliver’s. This puts additional stress on the knees and tendons. Run naturally, at ease. Step on your heel and roll onto your toes.

Manava i lou gutu

Breathing through the mouth is more natural during exercise than through the nose. This gives you more oxygen your hardworking muscles crave.


Keep your head high

It is more customary to look under your feet while running so as not to stumble. And in some ways this is correct. But if you keep your head high, your shoulders and neck relax, and you breathe easier.

Bend your arms at right angles

Comfortable shoulder-forearm angle – 90-110 degrees. The arms move in the direction of travel and help to move forward. Do not clench your fingers into a fist. Hold them as if you had a chicken egg in each hand.

Aua le faatuai

The running speed should be noticeably higher than when walking. The upper body should slightly “overtake” the lower one. You seem to be trying to break the finishing tape with your chest.

Malolo ou tauau

Let your arms move freely and relaxed. This will avoid muscle tightness, which can lead to discomfort in the neck and shoulders.

Buy running shoes

It is important to run in suitable shoes so as not to “kill” your knees. Running shoes have a special sole with a shock absorber. Running on a dirt track is better than running on asphalt and a treadmill.


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