Microsoft Excel Tutorial mo Dummies

Microsoft Excel Tutorial mo Dummies

Excel Tutorial for Dummies will allow you to easily understand and master the basic skills of working in Excel, so that you can confidently move on to more complex topics. The tutorial will teach you how to use the Excel interface, apply formulas and functions to solve a variety of problems, build graphs and charts, work with pivot tables and much more.

The tutorial was created specifically for novice Excel users, more precisely for “complete dummies”. Information is given in stages, starting with the very basics. From section to section of the tutorial, more and more interesting and exciting things are offered. After completing the entire course, you will confidently apply your knowledge in practice and learn how to work with Excel tools that will solve 80% of all your tasks. And most importantly:

  • You will forever forget the question: “How to work in Excel?”
  • Now no one will ever dare to call you a “teapot”.
  • No need to buy useless tutorials for beginners, which will then gather dust on the shelf for years. Buy only worthwhile and useful literature!
  • On our site you will find many more different courses, lessons and manuals for working in Microsoft Excel and not only. And all this in one place!

Section 1: Excel Basics

  1. Folasaga i le Excel
    • Microsoft Excel fa'aoga
    • Lipine i le Microsoft Excel
    • Vaaiga i tua i le Excel
    • Fa'atosina Avanoa Meafaigaluega ma Va'aiga Tusi
  2. Create and open workbooks
    • Fausia ma tatala tusi galuega Excel
    • Faiga Fesootaiga i Excel
  3. Saving books and sharing
    • Faasaoina ma AutoRecover Workbooks ile Excel
    • Tu'u atu i fafo Excel Workbooks
    • Fa'asoa Excel Workbooks
  4. Cell Basics
    • Cell i Excel - manatu faavae
    • Cell content i Excel
    • Kopi, fe'avea'i ma tape'ese sela i Excel
    • Autocomplete sela i Excel
    • Su'e ma Sui ile Excel
  5. Change columns, rows and cells
    • Suia le lautele o koluma ma le maualuga o le laina ile Excel
    • Fa'aofi ma tape laina ma koluma ile Excel
    • Fa'asolo ma nana laina ma koluma ile Excel
    • Afi tusitusiga ma fa'afefiloi sela i Excel
  6. Fa'atulagaina o sela
    • Fa'atulagaina o le Font i Excel
    • Fa'asa'o tusitusiga i sela Excel
    • Tuaoi, paolo ma sitaili sela i Excel
    • Fa'asologa o numera ile Excel
  7. Excel Sheet Basics
    • Toe fa'aigoa, fa'aofi ma tape se pepa ile Excel
    • Kopi, fa'agasolo ma sui le lanu o se pepa o galuega ile Excel
    • Grouping sheets in Excel
  8. Itulau
    • Fa'asologa o pito ma fa'asinomaga itulau ile Excel
    • Fa'aofiofi itulau, lolomi ulutala ma vae i Excel
  9. Book printing
    • Lomi laupapa ile Microsoft Excel
    • Seti le vaega lolomi i Excel
    • Seti laina ma fua pe a lolomi i Excel

Section 2: Formulas and Functions

  1. Simple Formulas
    • Math operators ma cell references i Excel formula
    • Fausia Fuafuaga Faigofie ile Microsoft Excel
    • Fa'atonu fua fa'atatau ile Excel
  2. Complex formulas
    • Folasaga i fua fa'atatau i Excel
    • Fausia fua fa'atatau i Microsoft Excel
  3. Relative and absolute links
    • So'oga fa'atasi i Excel
    • Faʻamatalaga atoatoa i Excel
    • So'oga i isi laupepa i Excel
  4. Fuafuaga ma Galuega
    • Folasaga i Galuega i Excel
    • Fa'aofiina o se galuega i Excel
    • Fa'atino Faletusi i Excel
    • Fa'atonu Wizard i Excel

Section 3: Working with data

  1. Worksheet Appearance Control
    • Fa'aaisa itulagi ile Microsoft Excel
    • Vaevae pepa ma va'ai le Excel workbook i fa'amalama eseese
  2. Sort data in Excel
  3. Filtering data in Excel
  4. Working with groups and debriefing
    • Vaega ma La'ititi i Excel
  5. Tables in Excel
    • Create, modify and delete tables in Excel
  6. Charts and Sparklines
    • Siata i Excel - Fa'avae
    • Fa'atulagaina, Sitaili, ma Isi Filifiliga Siata
    • How to work with sparklines in Excel

Section 4: Advanced features of Excel

  1. Working with Notes and Tracking Changes
    • Su'e suiga ile Excel
    • Toe iloilo faʻamatalaga i Excel
    • Fa'amatalaga sela i Excel
  2. Completing and Protecting Workbooks
    • Tapuni ma puipuia tusi faigaluega ile Excel
  3. Faiga Faʻavae
    • Fa'atonu Fa'atonu i Excel
  4. Pivot tables and data analysis
    • Folasaga i Pivot Tables i Excel
    • Fa'amatalaga Pivot, Filters, Slicers, ma PivotCharts
    • What if analysis in Excel

Section 5: Advanced Formulas in Excel

  1. We solve problems using logical functions
    • Faʻafefea ona seti se tulaga faigofie boolean i Excel
    • Fa'aaogāga Excel Boolean e fa'ailoa ai Tulaga Lavelave
    • IF galue i Excel ma se faʻataʻitaʻiga faigofie
  2. Counting and summing in Excel
    • Faitau sela i Excel e faʻaaoga ai galuega COUNTIF ma COUNTIF
    • Aofa'i ile Excel e fa'aaoga ai galuega SUM ma SUMIF
    • How to calculate the cumulative total in Excel
    • Fua fua averesi fa'aaoga SUMPRODUCT
  3. Working with dates and times in Excel
    • Aso ma le taimi i Excel - manatu faavae
    • Ulufale ma faʻatulagaina aso ma taimi i Excel
    • Fa'atino e fa'asolo mai ai ta'iala eseese mai aso ma taimi i Excel
    • Galuega e fai ma fa'aali aso ma taimi ile Excel
    • Excel galuega mo le fuafuaina o aso ma taimi
  4. Su'e fa'amaumauga
    • VLOOKUP galuega i Excel ma faʻataʻitaʻiga faigofie
    • VIEW galuega i Excel ma se faʻataʻitaʻiga faigofie
    • INDEX ma MATCH galuega i Excel ma faʻataʻitaʻiga faigofie
  5. Lelei e iloa
    • Excel Fa'amaumauga Fa'amaumauga e Mana'omia ona E Iloa
    • Excel math galuega e tatau ona e iloa
    • Excel text galue i faʻataʻitaʻiga
    • Aotelega o mea sese e tutupu i Excel formula
  6. Working with names in Excel
    • Folasaga ile sela ma igoa ole laina ile Excel
    • E faʻafefea ona taʻu se cell poʻo se laina i Excel
    • 5 Tulafono Fa'aoga ma Ta'iala mo le Fausiaina o Igoa Cell ma Range i Excel
    • Igoa Pule i Excel - Meafaigaluega ma Faiga
    • E faʻafefea ona taʻu igoa tumau i Excel?
  7. Working with arrays in Excel
    • Fa'atomuaga i fa'asologa fa'asologa i Excel
    • Fa'asologa o fa'asologa o multicell i Excel
    • Fua fa'asologa o sela ta'itasi ile Excel
    • Fa'asologa o mea tumau i Excel
    • Fa'asa'o fa'asologa o fa'asologa i Excel
    • Fa'aaogāina fua fa'atatau ile Excel
    • Auala i le fa'asa'oina o fua fa'atatau ile Excel

Section 6: Optional

  1. Interface customization
    • E faʻafefea ona faʻavasega le Ribbon i Excel 2013
    • Tap le faiga o le Lipine i Excel 2013
    • So'oga sitaili ile Microsoft Excel

Want to learn more about Excel? Especially for you, we have prepared two simple and useful tutorials: 300 Excel examples and 30 Excel functions in 30 days.

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