Tuʻu i luga o se pike i ou lava lima: faʻafefea ona fai, fagota

Tuʻu i luga o se pike i ou lava lima: faʻafefea ona fai, fagota

Catching pike on a stand has its own characteristics. The main difference from other fishing methods is the lack of dynamics: fishing looks calm and measured. The fact is that the process of catching pike does not require constant monitoring of the condition of the gear. It can be checked a couple of times a day, or even once every 3 days. It all depends on how long the live bait can remain active in the water column.

If the pike is caught, it is taken away, and the tackle is thrown again, having made a new fish. This type of tackle has another plus: you can take only one fishing rod and up to a dozen gears for fishing. You can catch small fish with a fishing rod and use it as bait. Having placed the supplies, you can switch to the fishing rod, while occasionally checking the supplies.

How to make supplies with your own hands

Tuʻu i luga o se pike i ou lava lima: faʻafefea ona fai, fagota

What is most important is that this tackle is made quite simply, without the use of any scarce tackle elements. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to buy it in a store, but it is very realistic to make it yourself. In fact, there are several options for such gear. This article will discuss one of them.

For the manufacture of supplies you will need the following materials:

  • Not a big piece of rubber hose.
  • Sturdy wooden stick.
  • Line, sinker and hooks.
  • Knife and awl.


The manufacturing process is as follows:

  • First of all, you need to take a piece of hose and pierce it closer to one of the ends with an awl to get two holes located one against the other.
  • On the other hand, a piece of hose is simply notched.
  • The fishing line is threaded through the holes so that a loop is formed, with which the hose will be attached to a wooden stick.
  • In the same holes, you should also pass the main fishing line on which the fish will be caught. One end is fixed here, on the hose, and the rest of the fishing line is wound around the center of the hose.
  • The line is not all wound. A leash with a hook and a swivel should be attached to the remaining fishing line.
  • So that the fishing line does not unwind by itself, it is fixed in the section of the hose. In the process of biting, the fishing line will easily stretch out of the cut and begin to unwind from the tube, which is what is needed.
  • A sliding sinker should be attached to the fishing line, weighing from 4 to 12 grams, depending on the strength of the current.
  • The tackle is ready, and all other operations with it are carried out on a fishing trip. Here it is attached to a wooden stick and put on a live bait hook.

In the manufacturing process, other approaches to the use of materials are possible. Alternatively, you can use different hooks, as well as experiment with the leash. You can install it, or you can do without it. There is a huge field for experiments. In this case, a fairly simple design, which is installed from the shore, is taken as an example.

Sets for pike. How to do it yourself.

There are designs that consist of a heavy load and a float, which allows them to be installed from a boat. This makes it possible to fish deeper places. After all, it is especially difficult to throw tackle from the shore.

In conditions of fishing in winter, the tackle is attached to a stick, which lies across the hole and is masked by snow.

How do you catch fish on stakes?

Tuʻu i luga o se pike i ou lava lima: faʻafefea ona fai, fagota

The technique of catching on postavushki does not differ in any complexity. The main thing is to find a promising place where pike can appear in search of food. It is desirable that the live bait was prepared in advance. As a live bait, a small perch, ruff or roach will go. On postavushki fish are usually caught at depths from 1 to 3 meters. When fishing in reeds, it is permissible to use tackle at a depth of up to 0,5 meters.

For greater catchability, it is better to install several sets at a distance of 10 to 15 meters. With so many gears set, you will have to spend a lot of time checking the gears, so it is not advisable to fish with some more gear. If the pike takes the live bait, then it will try to go to the side, so the location of the fishing line will change dramatically. If he takes a small predator, he will try to drag the equipment into the thickets of reeds, reeds or other shelter. If he takes a large specimen, he will try to take the equipment to the depth, pulling the fishing line with maximum effort.

For a more dynamic development of events, it is advisable to check the tackle more often and change the live bait. If there are no bites in the same place for a long time, then most likely this place is not interesting for pike. In this case, it is better to move to another promising place.

Difference between summer and winter supply

Tuʻu i luga o se pike i ou lava lima: faʻafefea ona fai, fagota

In winter, fishing is mainly carried out from the ice, cutting holes of the required size in it. If the tackle is left for a long time, it may freeze. The postavushka is installed so that it is below the water level and does not threaten freezing, unlike the vent, which is located above the water level. They also differ in the way they are attached, especially when fishing from ice. In general, the postavushka is one of the options for the girders, since the mechanism for catching pike is almost the same. The stand is attached to a stick that is laid across the hole. Measures must be taken to prevent the hole from freezing. Usually it is covered with brushwood, and covered with snow on top. Under such conditions, it may not freeze overnight, and if it does, the ice layer will be quite thin.

A special requirement is placed on the live bait, which must retain its mobility for a long time. Usually, when fishing in winter, crucians are used as bait, since they are the most viable, and fish such as gudgeon or bleak will not last long.

What kind of fish are caught on stakes?

Tuʻu i luga o se pike i ou lava lima: faʻafefea ona fai, fagota

The postavushka is a fairly effective tackle for catching pike, although it can also be used for catching other fish, such as catfish, burbot or zander, given the peculiarities of their behavior. With the help of a hook, carp are caught in the same way.

Pike perch in winter is not so easy to catch, as it is active early in the morning and late in the evening. The rest of the time he prefers to be at depth. If you choose the right place for its installation, then you can count on success. Especially catchy can be deep areas with a rocky bottom, where pike perch usually hides.

When hunting for catfish, you will need a fairly strong fishing line or cord. Naturally, only powerful hooks are used on catfish. Moreover, such requirements apply to all elements of gear, otherwise weak points can weaken the gear as a whole and, as a result, breakage of the gear and loss of a large specimen. It is better to take crucian as a live bait.

Carp can live on a hook for up to 5 days. Deliveries from boats are installed in the evening, and in the morning, again, they are checked on boats for the presence of a catch. It is desirable that the live bait swim closer to the surface of the water. For catching catfish, it is better to take a medium-sized crucian. It is better not to place large crucian carp, as they will be as active as possible, and the catfish may refuse to hunt for them.

Many anglers do not recognize this type of fishing, due to the lack of dynamics, which is considered unattractive and not gambling. Despite this, some anglers still do not refuse supplies, considering them to be quite effective gear. In addition, the simplicity of the device does not require extra costs. You don’t have to stand over the tackle. It is enough to check it a couple of times a day – in the morning and in the evening, which allows you to do your own business, such as setting up a camp or just relaxing, enjoying untouched nature.

Do-it-yourself self-trapping / putting on a PIKE.

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