
The life of the outstanding British fashion designer Alexander McQueen can be called, as his biography says, «a modern fairy tale with an admixture of gloomy ancient Greek tragedy.»

Admixture of gloomy tragedy, it must be said, is not small. A dysfunctional family, childhood abuse, and then fabulous contracts with Givenchy and Gucci, a triumph in Paris and London and … suicide at 40. The story of the ancient Scottish family of the McQueens, which the fashion designer and his sister Joyce have studied in detail, gives this biography the features of the “overloaded gothic romance” of this biography. Although the biography is written by journalist Andrew Wilson in a catchy «glossy» manner, a huge array of testimonies and cited interviews reveal to us the most diverse sides of McQueen’s extraordinary personality.

Centerpolygraph, 383 p.

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