
The attitude of children to parents, as a rule, is created by the parents themselves, although not always consciously. The most important factor here is the family in which the child lives and is brought up.

Parents are always significant people for children, but the love of children for their parents is not born and is not guaranteed. When children are born, they do not yet love their parents. When babies are born, they love their parents no more than you love eating apples. Your love for apples is manifested in the fact that you eat them with pleasure. The love of children for their parents is manifested in the fact that they enjoy using their parents. Children will love you — but it will be later when you teach them this. In order for children to learn to love their parents faster, they just need to be taught this. It all starts with the parents, with the time and effort they are willing to devote to their children. With the qualifications that they, as parents, have; from the way of life that they lead — and from those patterns of relationships that they demonstrate to their children with their lives. If it’s natural for you to love and care for someone, if it gives you sincere joy, then you are already setting a wonderful example for your children … See →

The relationship between fathers and sons, even in good families, changes over the years. This attitude of a son to his father is quite common: 4 years old: my father knows everything! Age 6: My father doesn’t know everything. Age 8: Things were different in my father’s time. 14 years old: My father is so old. 21: My old man doesn’t have anything at all! 25 years old: My dad fumbles around a bit, but that’s common at his age. 30 years old: I think you should ask your father for advice. Age 35: I shouldn’t have done anything without asking my father for advice. 50 years old: what would my father do? 60 years old: My father was such a wise man and I didn’t appreciate it. If he were around now, I would learn so much from him. See →

The duty of children to their parents. Does he exist? What is it? Can you answer confidently: should children love their parents? And how do you answer another question: should adult children follow parental covenants?

How to maintain a warm and sincere relationship between parents and children? See →

Meeting the new dad. After a divorce, a woman meets a new man who will be the new dad for the child. How to make good relationships develop faster? See →

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