Aveesea o lauulu i le fale: fua ma fautuaga

😉 Greetings, everyone who wandered into this site! In the article “Hair removal at home: recipe and advice” – about coffee and soda hair removal, its advantages and precautions.

What is epilation

  • epilation is an artificial hair removal from the root (destruction of hair follicles). The word “hair removal” should not be confused with the similar words “hair removal” and “appeal”;
  • depilation – removal of unwanted hair without affecting the hair follicle. For example, shaving;
  • appeal – an appeal against a court decision to a higher court. Jurisprudence term.

Long ago, back in ancient times, the legendary queens of Egypt – Cleopatra and Nefertiti, maintaining their beauty, got rid of unwanted body hair by depilation.

How to do hair removal at home

Currently, there are many different ways to get rid of unwanted hair from any part of the body. These are all kinds of creams, wax, and epilators. In addition, many beauty salons offer this service. The choice is simply huge.

But a large number of beautiful ladies continue to struggle with excess hair on their bodies at home. There is a good recipe to overcome this problem – a mixture of baking soda and coffee grounds. Of course, coffee is not instant, but in beans.

Soda + coffee grounds = effect!

Any housewife can find coffee and soda. They are often used for various beauty recipes. Soda has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, disinfects it and whitens it. In general, it has a positive effect on her condition.

As for coffee grounds, it is considered a natural antioxidant and has been used for a long time for deep cleansing of the skin. Coffee + baking soda will help get rid of unwanted body hair.

The effect of this remedy is achieved thanks to soda. It penetrates the skin and acts on the hair follicles. And thick coffee relieves inflammation, the process is less painful.

To prepare a scrub you will need: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of thick coffee (or ground coffee) mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of baking soda. Add a little boiled water to this mixture to get a creamy mass. It is used in the same way as any scrub.

Before applying the resulting mixture, the skin needs to be steamed a little. Then the mixture should be rubbed in with massaging movements for about 10-15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, apply a greasy cream.

This procedure must be carried out until you get the desired effect. The entire course will take 10-12 days. Your patience is needed here!

Laasaga saogalemu

Before using this product, you should make sure that you are not allergic to any of the components. To find out, you need to apply a little mass to any part of the skin. If no reaction occurs within 24 hours, then the product can be safely used.

Aveesea o lauulu i le fale: fua ma fautuagaIn addition, you should take into account certain points that may appear when using the tool

  • thick coffee can give your skin a brown tint. It is better not to use such a scrub to remove hair from the face;
  • baking soda can dry out the skin, so use a suitable cream after the procedure.

Observing all of the above rules, you can achieve the desired result in a short time. The tool will help not only get rid of excess hair, but also make the skin beautiful and smooth.


In this video, additional information on the article “Hair removal at home: recipe and tips”

How to remove leg hair in 10 minutes with coffee and soda

😉 Dear ladies, write in the comments your recipes, tips, methods from personal experience. Share the information “Hair removal at home: recipe and tips” with podgug in social networks. Always be healthy and beautiful! Until next time on this site!

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