E mafai ona toe fo'i vave i le pito i luga pe a uma le maitaga!

Better in my nights

Between the baby’s crying day and night, feedings, nursing, commuting, shopping, cleaning, visiting friends and family, you are under constant pressure. The only remedy to avoid burnout, it is to sleep as much as possible. Go to bed as early as possible, follow your baby’s rhythm, tune your nights into his. We can never tell you enough: during the day, as soon as your baby takes a nap, let go of everything and rest, rather than ironing or sweeping. Shut your laptop, lower the blinds and sleep. Don’t hesitate to take more breaks, take mini-naps! It is proven, a nap of 2 minutes during the day increases the performances by 20%. Even if you can’t really fall asleep, this time of rest will at least have the merit of relaxing you.

Better in my body

To reconnect with your body after childbirth, take a postnatal cure at home. Finish your morning toilet with a shower of cool water to drain, start from the ankles and work your way up to the top of the thighs, then to the breasts and arms. Reshape your figure with self-massages, make energetic palpate-roll. It’s time to take out the slimming creams and massage your stomach, hips, thighs and breasts with anti-stretch mark creams. Pressures supported by the hands energize and induce well-being that lasts all day. Massages are also welcome in the evening before going to sleep. Did you gain a few “baby pounds” during your pregnancy and they are playing overtime? It’s a great classic and you will have to apply an anti-curvature attack plan that will help you lose weight permanently, while getting back in shape. Give up express miracle diets based on deprivation and guilt (in addition potentially dangerous for health). You already know it but it gets better saying it, a diet is only effective if it is supplemented by physical activity. Here again, take it easy and gradually, so as not to rush your body and restore your fitness capital gently. Your muscles are asleep, wake them up. Walk every day, take your baby for a walk. Swim, do yoga, Pilates, gentle gym, bar on the floor, the important thing is to move while making yourself happy.

“I no longer had any desire… and worried! “

Right after my daughter was born, I was totally focused on my baby, I was nothing more than a mom. I was breastfeeding her on demand, I had her against me all the time. It was as if my body had become a stranger to me, as if it existed only to feed, care for, protect, put to sleep, cuddle my daughter. Sexuality was the least of my worries, I had no head for it, no more desire, no more fantasy, no more need, the desert. I got worried and talked to the midwife about it. She explained to me that when you breastfeed, you produce a hormone, prolactin, which blocks desire. She reassured me, according to her, there was no urgency because the resumption of hugs takes place, for the majority of couples, two months after birth, or even later. I felt relieved to be normal! And indeed, it came back quietly …

Sandra, mom of Phoebe, 8 months

Better in my skin

To reclaim this changed body that you have difficulty recognizing, it is essential that you take special care of your skin by instituting little beauty rituals. Regularly use gentle scrubs. Moisturize your skin every day with body milk, argan or sweet almond oil. To give yourself a boost, apply makeup every day. Use cosmetics that are not toxic to you or your baby. Go for the natural, a touch of blush, a pencil line, a hint of mascara and a little gloss to illuminate your smile.

Better in my femininity

Your role as a mom monopolizes your time, energy and attention, but that is no reason to forget that you are also a woman. To feel fully at the top, it’s time to reconnect with your femininity, to rediscover the desire to please and to seduce. Put the XXL t-shirts and jogging bottoms of your pregnancy in the closet, do not try to hide your curves, on the contrary, assume and adopt a colorful, cheerful and toned look, wear bright colors that make you in a good mood. Bring a little touch of fantasy to your look by offering you the essential accessories of the moment. It’s a great way to boost your narcissism and feel beautiful again without blowing your budget!


Better in my libido

Getting your sex right back is also part of the program, and the first thing to do is to treat your perineum like your best friend. It is not glamorous at first glance, but perineal rehabilitation is essential for your future sexuality, apart from the care of episiotomy or cesarean scars, vaginal tears. You have the impression that your vagina has “widened” since childbirth and you are worried that this will harm your future sexuality. Your perineum, the muscle that supports the bladder, vagina, and rectum, suffers from childbirth. It is normal for you to be a little slack. But the female sex is a wonderful muscle that relaxes, of course, but also retracts and regains its normal size and sensations, if you do the exercises prescribed by the physiotherapist correctly. The other major problem is the decline or lack of desire in the year after birth. While it is normal for you as a mother to be totally centered on your baby for the very first few months, this should not go on forever. Otherwise your companion may feel helpless and unhappy. Continue to have dinner alone, go for the weekend. Stay physically close, exchange kisses and caresses, rediscover the pleasure of flirting, brushing against each other, sleeping in each other’s arms. Share moments of intimacy, in short, remain a couple in love. The important thing is not to have sex again as soon as possible, but to feel that your feelings for your baby have in no way diminished your love for him and your desire for him.


Better in my relationship

Since the birth of your treasure, your “conjugal couple” is transformed into a “parental couple”. You have become two responsible adults who must give up the carefree life of two. IYou have to agree to change the usual daily rhythms together, distribute tasks and organize your time so that everyone finds their account of constraints and also of pleasures. Concretely, the role of the dad is to help his companion to separate from his baby with kindness by supporting and encouraging him, do not hesitate to involve him from the start, trust him, let him be discover like dad.


Better in my social life

Love is essential, but also friendship. Even if you are absorbed by your new maternal challenge, even if you are momentarily unavailable, do not cut the thread with your friends, your colleagues, your relatives. Those who do not have children will spontaneously tend to distance themselves, do not let them. Do not isolate yourself, continue to have a social life, certainly reduced but still present. Go through Skype and social media if you can’t see them physically. Don’t lose sight of your friends and don’t lose sight of yourself. Becoming a mother is no reason to lose touch with the woman you were and still are. Do not give up the hobbies you love, lunch with girlfriends, the cinema, outings and evenings with friends. Don’t drop everything and just be yourself.

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