E faʻafefea ona faʻaitiitia le mamafa i le tolu masina: meaʻai. Vitio

E faʻafefea ona faʻaitiitia le mamafa i le tolu masina: meaʻai. Vitio

Having outlined a period for losing weight in three months, you act very correctly – during this time you can achieve impressive results without harming your health. A competent approach to getting rid of extra pounds will guarantee a stable result and the beginning of a completely different life, in which there are many other joys besides buns and chocolates.

Lose weight in three months

General principles of dietary nutrition

To lose weight in three months, of course, you can find many diets with detailed menus on the Internet and follow them. But it is much better when you get acquainted and understand the very principle of dietary nutrition with the aim of losing weight. This will help you to independently compose the menu and combine products in such a way that the diet becomes not a torment for you, but a real pleasure and the result remains stable.

First, analyze what foods are currently the mainstay of your diet. Most likely, these are refined foods – a source of “simple” carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed by the body and satisfy hunger, but after which you want to eat again very quickly. No diet soda or cereals marked “fitness” change the essence of such carbohydrates, these nutrients only contribute to the deposition of fat cells and do not force the body to work to burn them.

Replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates – whole grain breads, cereals, vegetables, and fiber-rich fruits. Your diet must contain proteins of animal origin (lean meat and fish) and vegetable proteins – legumes, seaweed. For sweets, instead of sugar, eat honey and fruits, excluding grapes and bananas. Include more greens and vegetables in the menu.

Be sure to combine diet with physical activity, so fat stores will be burned faster and the skin will maintain its tone at the same time.

Keep in mind that there are ergotropic foods that speed up metabolism and help you lose weight faster. These are low-fat cottage cheese, red hot peppers, garlic, onions, ginger, from drinks – green tea. But there are also trophotropic foods that slow down this process. First of all, this is everything that contains yeast, as well as nightshades: tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes. You can eat them, but to neutralize their effect, add ergonomic ingredients to these dishes.

How to lose weight in three months

Calculate the daily calorie intake you need, taking into account height, weight, degree of physical activity, this can be done for free on one of the sites dedicated to dieting and weight loss. To start losing weight, you need to create a calorie deficit, it is enough if it is 15-20%, which will avoid hunger, which forces the body to disrupt hormonal balance.

Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice on an empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast.

Every day at the same time, at home or at work, have breakfast, lunch and dinner, snack between main meals – an apple, carrot or a glass of kefir. For breakfast and lunch, you need to eat approximately the same amount of calories, which in total should be 70-75%, dinner is low in calories and no later than 4 hours before you go to bed. After it, you can drink only a glass of low-fat kefir, eat a piece of grapefruit or kiwi. All meals should be fresh, boiled, or baked.

Read on: blood group compatibility.

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