People at risk and risk factors for Panaris

People at risk and risk factors for Panaris

Tagata e ono lamatia

The whitlow is a pathology which mainly concerns tagata faigaluega tusi lesona, more likely to have finger injuries.

le people with whitlow no longer need to cook because the staphylococcus present in whitlow can contaminate food and cause acute diarrhea in people who have consumed it. People who work in the food sector (cooks, butchers, pastry chefs, etc.) must therefore stop their activity until recovery.

Faʻamatalaga o tulaga lamatia

le tulaga lamatia of whitlow are:

  • trauma (puncture, excoriation, etc.) of the fingers and nails, even minimal;
  • manicure treatments;
  • diabetes, because it predisposes to infections;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • immune deficiencies, likely to worsen an infection: treatment with cortisone or other immunosuppressants, HIV / AIDS, etc.)

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