Smooth black truffle (Tuber macrosporum)

  • Matagaluega: Ascomycota (Ascomycetes)
  • Vaevaega: Pezizomycotina (Pezizomycotins)
  • Vasega: Pezizomycetes (Pezizomycetes)
  • Vasega laiti: Pezizomycetidae (Pezizomycetes)
  • Poloaiga: Pezizales (Pezizales)
  • Aiga: Tuberaceae (Truffle)
  • Ituaiga: Tuber (Truffle)
  • ituaiga: Tuber macrosporum (Smooth black truffle)
  • Tuber macrosporum;
  • truffle uliuli

Smooth black truffle (Tuber macrosporum) is a species of mushrooms belonging to the Truffle family and the genus Truffle.

Fa'amatalaga i fafo

The fruit body of the smooth black truffle is characterized by a reddish-black color, often to black. Mushroom flesh is dark brown in color, and white streaks are almost always visible on it. The main distinguishing feature of the black smooth truffle (Tuber macrosporum) is a perfectly smooth surface.

Vaitaimi o Grebe ma nofoaga e nonofo ai

Active fruiting of the smooth black truffle occurs during the period of early autumn (September) and before the beginning of winter (December). You can meet this variety of truffle mainly in Italy.


E mafai ona 'ai.

Tulaga tutusa ma eseesega mai ia i latou

Outwardly, the smooth black truffle (Tuber macrosporum) is not similar to other varieties of this fungus, however, in its aroma and taste it may resemble a little white truffle. True, the latter has a sharper smell than the smooth black truffle.

Summer truffle (Tuber aestivum) also slightly resembles a black smooth truffle. True, its aroma is less pronounced, and the flesh is characterized by a lighter shade. The winter truffle (Tuber brumale), unlike the smooth black truffle, can only be found in the northern regions of the area.

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