Weight Loss Psychology: Removing “Drugs” Products

The first category of “drug” foods is those that contain a lot of carbohydrates. These are sandwiches, fast foods, flour and sweet products, and even ice cream.


It was once believed that the more calories a dish contains, the easier it is for the body to absorb. But that was a long time ago, and now we know that high-calorie foods are not always healthy. All of these products have a common ingredient – starch. After entering the body, it immediately begins to turn into glucose. It stimulates the areas of the brain that are responsible for pleasure. At this moment, a person feels only joyful sensations, a sense of satisfaction. But this effect quickly passes, longing, sadness returns to the person and he seeks satisfaction in food.

To insulate yourself from such addiction, you need to consume more protein and complex carbohydrates. They take longer to be absorbed by the body and do not contain starch. To get rid of cravings for sweets, you need to reduce their amount in the diet every day, but not starve yourself.


As everyone knows, coffee contains a lot of caffeine, so people quickly get used to this drink, feeling a surge of vigor and good mood. Caffeine is also found in cocoa and, accordingly, in chocolate. Also, chocolate and cocoa contain fast-acting carbohydrates. That is why these products are addictive twice as fast. Recent studies only support the idea that people who quit coffee soon experienced bouts of nausea, lethargy, depression, low mood and depression. In order not to face such a problem head on, you need to control the amount of coffee and chocolate eaten.

Another enemy of a good figure is sugary sodas. Most of these foods contain caffeine and high amounts of sugar. You will not know about this by reading the inscriptions on the label, but still it is a fact. That is why such a delicious drink as Coca-Cola or other soda is contraindicated in childhood. These two ingredients increase the risk of obesity many times over. To avoid addiction, reduce the amount of the drink you drink or replace it altogether with tea, juice or water with lemon.

An addictive product can also be hard or processed cheese. He is a source of joy and a good antidepressant. After a few bites, it can be difficult to stop. That is why you need to know when to stop. To avoid temptation, do not store large amounts of it in the refrigerator. According to experts, the amount of cheese eaten per day should not exceed 20 grams. You can combine it with vegetables, or as a grated addition to some healthy dish. Remember that cheese has different fat contents. Try to eat as low-fat varieties of this product as possible.

To be sure to cope with food addiction, you need to remember a few rules. Firstly, you cannot completely abandon the adored dishes. Just gradually reduce the amount in your daily diet. Remember, there must be an acceptable supply of extremely healthy food in the refrigerator.

Even one famous diet says that you need to eat only when you feel hungry. Drink plenty of fluids, but not sodas. We also do not forget about healthy sleep and sports – you will find not only good shape, but also a healthy look. If you do not fight food addiction, then diet and exercise will help you little.


Now you know that “drugs” products are of little use, but there is plenty of harm. Therefore, we make a choice in favor of health.

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