When the weight does not want to drop … Metabolism slowers may be to blame
When the weight does not want to drop ... Metabolism slowers may be to blamePe a le mana'o e pa'u le mamafa ... O le fa'agesegese o le metabolism e ono tu'ua'ia

If you follow a diet, eat healthy, move, and yet you do not lose weight – the weight stays the same or even increases, you may be dealing with the “silent enemy”. It’s about metabolism slowers, i.e. surprising and inconspicuous reasons that make your metabolism prevent you from achieving your dream figure.

Unfortunately, there are factors over which we simply have no control. Metabolism may depend on genes, age (after the age of 25, metabolism slows down), and even gender – in women it is slower than in men by as much as 7%. Everyone knows a person who annoys everyone else by eating what they want and still stays very thin. Some people have an excellent, fast metabolism, so they don’t have to worry about what and How long they eat.

Those unlucky must eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and avoid starvation, irregular meals, and stress. Despite this, sometimes following these basic principles, some people still have problems with losing weight. Insidious mistakes that are hard to spot can be to blame. Here is a list of the most common of them:

  1. Exercise cardio. Although everywhere it is noted that cardio, i.e. running, swimming, cycling, have only advantages, because they strengthen the condition, improve the work of the heart, etc., unfortunately, they do not have the best effect on metabolism. They increase it only during exercise, which is why interval training is much more “profitable” for the body. Frequent changes in pace cause the metabolism to accelerate and maintain this state for up to 24 hours after physical activity.
  2. Too little dairy. Eliminating cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, yoghurts from the diet deprives the body of the basic muscle building material: protein. It is the role of muscles that accelerates metabolism, so it is not worth giving up protein. In addition, it is more difficult to absorb than carbohydrates and fats, so more energy is needed to burn them. As a result, we lose weight.
  3. Carbohydrate reduction. Sugars are the basic source of energy, which is why the drastic elimination of carbohydrates from the diet is a quick way to a slow metabolism. Therefore, include good carbohydrates in whole grain bread, vegetables and brown rice in your diet.
  4. Le lava le moe. Research by Swedish scientists has shown that even one sleepless night affects our metabolism. If you stay up all night, do not sleep the prescribed 7-8 hours, you are certainly damaging your figure. Regardless of whether you exercise or follow a diet, your metabolism slows down significantly if you take away your body’s time to rest and recuperate.

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