
Teddy bears, fuga o rosa, pusa suamalie i foliga o fatu… O le fiva a'o le'i aso malolo o le a vave ona o'o i aai. O lenei aso e le gata e faʻaosoosoina ai tupe faʻaalu, ae faʻamanatu atu foi ia i latou o loʻo i ai nei na o oe: e sili atu oe i le faamanatuina o le olaga. O lea la, masalo e tatau ona e lafoai le aso malolo sauā pe suia ana tu masani?

Whether we like it or not, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. While some are looking forward to a marriage proposal and a diamond ring to boot, others (a small but active minority) propose to cancel all this turmoil. Well, if not canceled, then at least set age limits: we will allow this holiday to be celebrated until the fourth grade — at this age, children give «valentines» to everyone who sits in the neighborhood. Well, if you really want to, you can return to the holiday after sixty.

Ae faapefea isi tagata uma? O le a tatou manuia lava e aunoa ma ia.

Ua taʻua e le faiaʻoga ma le tagata tomai faapitoa i faigauo, o Jay Cataldo: “O le avatu o valentine o se mea malie a o laʻitiiti. Ae i le aluga o tausaga, sa ou le fiafia i lenei aso malolo. I loʻu manatu, naʻo le faʻatupuina o faʻafitauli i le mafutaga, nai lo le faʻamalosia. O ulugalii i lenei aso e misa ona o le le faataunuuina o faamoemoega. E le gata i lea, o le aso e foliga mai e tauamiotonuina ai le leai o se alofa i le 364 aso o totoe. Ma afai e leai sau tagata, o le tilotilo atu i ulugalii o savavali ma fugalaau e lafo i au uo ua na o le le fiafia. O le aso malolo e liua i se faʻaaliga faʻatauvaʻa."

O le aso malolo e manatu ai tagata e le oʻo atu o latou olaga i le tulaga manaʻomia o le faʻafefe.

E ioe le tagata faasalalau o Dean Obeidalla: “Ou te le fiafia i le faamalosia. O faʻasalalauga ma faʻalauiloa i faleoloa e faʻaosofia ai: afai e te le auai i lenei mea, ona e le fiafia lea ma e te le popole i lau isi afa. E sili atu le suia o tu ma aga o lenei aso malolo. Tuu atu ia i latou o loʻo i ai se ulugalii e tuʻuina atu meaalofa i le tuʻuafua ina ia latou le lagona le faʻaogaina i lenei aso.

For the owner of the restaurant, Zena Pauline, this holiday is doubly unpleasant: not only is she not married, but also the restaurant’s visitors on this day especially often find fault with the service. “It’s February outside, it’s cold outside, you don’t have a couple, you’re not in the best shape. You have been unsuccessfully trying to change something for several months. And all this is accompanied by a «parade» of happy couples. Valentine’s Day only humiliates single people.»

Three years ago, as a protest, Pauline introduced a special «No» menu to Valentine’s Day.» It includes such items as, for example, the “Unfortunate Betty” cocktail and the hot “Without a pair of your own free will”.

Ua faamatala mai e Deborah Carr, o se tagata suʻesuʻe i le va o tagata i le Iunivesite o Rutgers, o lē e suʻesuʻe i feusuaʻiga, le māfuaaga o le feitagaʻi: “O aso mālōlō e manatu ai tagata e lē o oo atu o latou olaga i le tulaga manaʻomia o le feitagai. E oo foʻi iā i latou e iai se ulugalii atonu e lē fiafia pe a lē faamalo atu i le auala na latou mananaʻo ai. Mo le tele o tagata, ua na o se faafitauli. E na'o fale'aiga ma fale fai meli e manuia ai."

I lona manatu, ua na o le leaga o mea i tausaga talu ai ona o le faʻatupulaia o le lauiloa o fesoʻotaʻiga lautele. O lea la ua taumafai tagata uma e fa'afiafia. E leai se tasi na te lafoina se ata leaga poʻo se meaalofa leaga mai se faleoloa i tafatafa o le tulimanu.

It was the news feed on Facebook (an extremist organization banned in Russia) that overwhelmed the patience of graphic designer Scott Manning. A few years ago, he was trying to recover from a breakup with a girl, and then the holiday came. The entire tape was full of bouquets and public declarations of love.

O se tafaoga faamasani i le Aso Valentine o se suega tele mo se mafutaga fou.

As a joke, Manning registered the page and named it «Petition to Cancel Valentine’s Day». People leave there biting messages and ironic pictures on the theme of the holiday. The author receives mixed reviews. Some want to organize a real rally on the street. Others are furious that Manning encroached on such a wonderful holiday. In fact, Manning cares little about the comments. His page consoles and entertains someone, and this is the main thing.

However, he ran into another problem. He met a girl and accidentally made one of his first dates on Valentine’s Day. Realizing this, Manning panicked. But then they discussed everything and decided that a date that day was too difficult a test for a nascent relationship. So Manning canceled it and decided to spend the day in a more appropriate way: «I’ll stay at home and watch horror movies.»

Tuua se tali