Maslow Abraham Harold

â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹Published by: MOTKOV O.I. On the paradoxes of the process of self-actualization of personality / Master. 1995, no. 6, p. 84 — 95

Abstract — An original approach to studying a person’s self-realization and harmony is suggested. It is shown that an opti mal balance between success and harmony achievement is needed for an effective personality development.

The creator of the theory of self-actualization of personality A. Maslow defines the need for self-actualization as “a person’s desire to fulfill himself” (23, p. 92). A person must be what he can be: a musician must create music, an artist must draw. «BUT. Maslow called self-actualizing personalities those who live life to the fullest, more complete than the average individual. It is about … the ability to use one’s inner potential» (21, p. XNUMX).

The term «self-actualization» was first used by K. Goldstein. Maslow considered self-actualization not only as an end state, but also as a process of identifying and realizing one’s capabilities. He believed that «a person always wants to be first-class or as good as he can be» (13, p. 113). We see that Maslow focuses self-actualization on the highest achievements, the maximum in the area to which a person is potentially predisposed. The fact is that he conducted biographical studies of elderly people with high success in their chosen field — Einstein, Thoreau, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, W. James, Whitman, etc. He studied the personality traits of «beautiful, healthy, strong, creative, virtuous , insightful people” (ibid., p. 109). These are people with a high level of self-actualization. They are characterized by such features as a focus on the present, an internal locus of control, a high importance of growth and spiritual values, spontaneity, tolerance, autonomy and independence from the environment, a sense of community with humanity as a whole, a strong business orientation, optimism, stable internal moral norms, democracy in relationships, the presence of an intimate environment that includes a few close people, creativity, criticality in relation to their culture (often find themselves isolated in a cultural environment they do not accept), high self-acceptance and acceptance of others (20, p. 114; 5, p. .359).

In the context of this article, special attention is paid to the age and cultural aspects of personality self-actualization. “We don’t yet know how applicable our data is to young people. We do not know what self-actualization means in other cultures…” (13, p. 109). And further: «… young people suffer from a lack of selflessness and from an excess of shyness and conceit» (ibid., p. 112). “It is only in adolescence that certain aspects of self-actualization become important, which, at best, can be realized already in adulthood” (20, p. 113).

We conducted a study of the degree of harmony in the personality of high school students and philosophy students of the Russian Open University. With regard to 10th grade students of the Moscow gymnasium, it also included determining the level of self-actualization of the individual. In domestic psychology, this is the first study of self-actualization of high school students. The most interesting and paradoxical was the fact that the phenomena of personal disharmony were found in students with a high level of self-actualization. Maslow’s theory describes self-actualizing personalities as generally quite harmonious, balanced within themselves and with the external environment, as individuals with a high level of development. We did not see this in our high school students. This article is devoted to the analysis of the results of our study, the causes of internal and external imbalance in highly actualized young people.

Before proceeding to the analysis, we briefly describe the conceptual provisions on which our experiment is based.

Personality in this case is understood in a broad sense as the motivational sphere of the human psyche. Individuals are born and become. The initial, natural potential of a person has a complex structure and includes at least three interrelated components: basic meta-aspirations (needs), characterological potential and cultural potential (see Fig. 1).

natural potential is the framework of the personality, which over the course of life acquires new shells: I-potentials in the form of I-I concepts, I-You and I-We concepts (relations with micro- and macrosociety), I-Earth nature and I-World concepts. In addition, on the border with the external and intrapersonal worlds, there is a situational-personal layer. On the whole, a personality contains a natural basic potential, I-potential and a situational block that deals only with situational, “momentary” goals.

The four basic aspirations are divided into −

primary adaptive:

I — to the preservation and continuation of life — to self-destruction, death;

II — to the strength of the personality (confidence and high self-esteem) — to the weakness of the personality (uncertainty, low self-esteem);

secondary adaptive:

III — to freedom, reliance on oneself — lack of freedom, reliance on others;

IV — to development, self-realization, self-actualization — to habitual, stereotyped functioning.

Characterological tendencies include motivational components of temperament and character traits. Character traits mature by the age of 15-16 and are to some extent amenable to education and self-education; they modulate, give an individual pattern to the process of implementing basic and all other motivational formations. Cultural motivations perform the same function.

Cultural motivations — these are primary moral — immoral, aesthetic — non-aesthetic, cognitive — non-cognitive, psycho-regulatory — non-psycho-regulatory, bodily-regulatory — non-corporeal-regulatory relations of the personality. On their basis, values ​​are formed, including spiritual ones.

All personal motivations are natura polar. Positive and negative aspirations and tendencies are indicated in fig. 1 with «+» and «-» signs. These signs denote opposing impulses. They can be evaluated from different points of view. For example, whether this desire contributes or does not contribute to the internal and external adaptation of the personality, self-realization. All aspirations and tendencies are in a potential, or in an actual (ready for implementation), or in an actualizing state. At the first stage, the potential aspiration is translated into the actual state.

With the basic aspiration IV (to development, self-actualization), the initially given system is also internally connected faamoemoega o le olaga person. It focuses development on certain activities. That is, it is also a modulator of the process of self-realization of the individual. Often this system is in a latent state and requires efforts for its self-determination, awareness. The meaning of people’s lives lies in the harmonious self-realization of their life purposes.

All components of the basic personality, and we will talk about it first of all, contribute to the development process. However, these components are often disparate, unbalanced, contradictory within themselves and among themselves. A special task of development, self-actualization is the «psychosynthesis» of all departments of the personality among themselves, their integration into the overall integrity. There are optimal balances of various motivations for a given person. The system of internal optimal balances of the personality creates loto gatasi (19, etc.).

Optimal balances of the personality can also be established with the environment in which the personality lives and acts. Such external harmony the personality itself develops in its relationship with the executive psyche (abilities, mental processes), with the body, with the micro-macro-society, with living and inanimate earthly nature, with various aspects of the Cosmos, the fundamental principles of being. The process of establishing such optimal balances within the personality and with aspects of its environment will be called personality harmonization. The result of this process is a certain level of personality harmony. Internal harmony, agreement with oneself is expressed in optimal balances of negative and positive basic aspirations, adaptive primary and secondary aspirations, optimal intercomponent ratios, etc. In addition, it is expressed in optimal mental states, emotional experiences. External harmony manifests itself in the optimal level of realization of motives, in the optimal lifestyle and functioning.

A legitimate question arises: what is criterion of harmony and optimality internal and external relationships, consistency of personality? Several criteria have been identified:

  1. harmony — a slightly above average degree of integration, integrity of the personality (internal and external integration is determined by the ratio of optimal and non-optimal balances in the components of the personality, in lifestyle and in self-realization);
  2. optimality: ensuring long-term and sustainable self-realization of development, since only such development can create conditions for a more complete development of all the natural potentials of a person, the entire system of his life purposes (you have to obey the laws of consistent realization of the goals of the individual in time and the law of heterochrony of growth — the uneven age maturation of the potentials and their uneven possible actualization; therefore, development is the accumulation of individual adaptations, an increase in connection with this, the complexity, integrity of the system of orientation of behavior, the complication and optimization of functioning, an increase, with harmonious development, of the wisdom of life);
  3. stable predominance of a positive emotional tone, good health, positive experiences;
  4. slightly higher than average satisfaction with their life (position in the family, at work, life in general);
  5. the presence of the majority of positive cultural orientations from the set of basic orientations (including spiritual ones) and the majority of adaptively necessary activities that make up an optimal lifestyle.

We, like A. Maslow, S. Buhler, K. Rogers, K. Horney, R. Assagioli and others, consider self-realization, self-actualization of one’s life purpose as the central aspect of personality development. However, if Maslow focuses his concept of self-actualization primarily on maximum achievements, then we consider such an orientation potentially disharmonizing personality and focus on achieving harmony in human life, its development. The race for great achievements quite often makes the process of self-actualization one-sided, impoverishes the lifestyle, and can lead to chronic stress, nervous breakdowns, and heart attacks.

An excursion into the concept of natural personality was needed in order to make the results of our study more understandable. The subjects were tenth-graders of school-gymnasium No. 1256 in Moscow, a total of 27 people. Original methods were used: «Basic aspirations», «Lifestyle of the individual», as well as the Mini-mult test (determining the mental state and character traits), the CAT self-actualization test (variant of M.V. Zagik and L.Ya. Gozman — 108 questions) , Acquaintance (10 characteristics of I), the method of «Socio-psychological regulatory core of personality» — «HID» Yu.A. Mislavsky, a survey about the experiences of the fullness and harmony of life, psychogeometric test S. Dellinger. Methods allow to identify the characteristics of the natural potential of the individual — basic aspirations, characterological potentials; characteristics of the socio-cultural core of the personality; I-concepts; holistic characteristics of self-actualization and lifestyle; emotional experiences.

Indicators of harmony are available in the methods «Basic aspirations», «Lifestyle of the individual», the Mini-cartoon test. Their determination is also possible in other methods.

In addition to the experimental data, data were collected on the progress of students, on their hobbies, classes in circles, sections, studios, etc.


Vaʻaiga of our study was that the harmony of personality development plays no less, and perhaps a greater role in a person’s life, in the very process of self-actualization, than the desire for high achievements and these achievements themselves, than the use of one’s talents “to the fullest expression” ( 21, 1966).


I would especially like to say about the CAT method — a self-actualization test in the version of M.V. Zagik (9). This is a domestic modification of the classic POI test — the Personal Orientation Questionnaire, developed by Abraham Maslow’s student Everett Shostrom in the 60s. Both CAT and POI have been validated and found to be highly reliable. CAT has been re-standardized on a sample of Soviet citizens. There is also a modification of POI published by L.Ya. Gozman and M. Kroz with the addition of a creativity scale (7). However, there is no profile form in the publication. We chose CAT in M.V. Zagika, since it has all the necessary apparatus and it is the shortest option — 108 questions, which is essential when conducting a test at school (for comparison: POI — 150 questions, modification by L.Ya. Gozman and M. Kroz — 126 questions) . The variant of M. V. Zagik retains the entire content structure of the POI test, all its scales and the system for determining the level of self-actualization. The entire «ideology» of the POI test has been preserved.

O taunuuga

So, we got the following sailiiliga. Of the 27 subjects, only 3 reached a high level of self-actualization according to the CAT method. Several people have come close to this level. There is a general, not very pronounced trend: the higher the level of self-actualization, the higher the harmony of the lifestyle (10% significance level of rank correlation). This trend does not appear for everyone. It turned out that the level of self-actualization of students is very sensitive to temporary negative mental states, to negative loci in the self-concept. For example, a student O.E., grade 10, has a low level of self-actualization and a high level of harmonious lifestyle. She is shy, dissatisfied with her appearance, which increases self-doubt. At the same time, in her characterological status, in addition to reflecting self-doubt, there are also positive potentials for self-actualization, moderately elevated scales of 6 and 9, which indicates a good energy level, perseverance, which can help to cope with situational stresses. The girl studies at 4 and 5, is engaged in circles. Conclusion: the level of self-actualization is strongly influenced by the characteristics of mental states, increased anxiety. Let us pay attention to the fact that O.E. in the CAT data, the scale “Human Nature” is very high, at the level of high self-actualization, i.e. the idea of ​​a person as predominantly good, a good recognition of truth and untruth, good and evil. A low score on this scale means that the subject considers the person to be essentially bad and non-synergistic.

For our analysis, it is important that it was this scale that E. Shostrom, the founder of the POI test, did not give significant differences between the groups of highly actualized and non-actualized subjects. All other test scales showed significant differences. Namely, this scale and, to some extent, the “Values ​​of self-actualization” scale reflect positive cultural values ​​and orientations of self-development, personal growth, the desire for high achievements, and the moral aspect of cultural values.

Self-actualization of highly actualized subjects is paradoxical. It contradicts the ideal image of such personalities in Maslow’s theory and the idea of ​​highly developed people in our Russian society. Girls BC and G.O. according to the integral indicators “orientation in time” and “internal support”, they showed a high level of self-actualization. The analysis showed that this rise was due to their high scores on the scales of «self-esteem» and «self-acceptance». They talk about high self-esteem, self-confidence. On the “human nature” scale, girls have an average and below average level. In general, they have an internal locus of control, internal stability, the ability to live in the real present, independence of behavior, self-confidence, good contact, high self-esteem. All these qualities, of course, create good ground for high self-actualization according to A. Maslow, but a self-actualizing personality has highly developed «B-values» — the desire for truth, goodness, beauty, harmony, comprehensiveness, etc. (13, p. 110). These «existential» values ​​are in fact similar to our metacultural tendencies in the basic personality, both in content and in their original rootedness in the nature of the personality: «The highest values ​​exist in human nature itself and can be found there. This contradicts the older and more familiar views that the highest values ​​come only from a supernatural God or some other source external to human nature itself” (13, p. 170). “…B-values ​​are the meaning of life for most people; self-actualizing people actively seek them out and are committed to them.” (13, itulau 110).

How is it with the cultural, in particular, moral orientations of our highly actualized subjects? The “human nature” scale, as already noted, is at the level of non-actualized ones. According to the Acquaintance method (10 characteristics of one’s self), both girls revealed high egoism and a sense of superiority over others as essential characteristics of their personality. They have high academic achievement and a serious attitude to learning. After graduation, they want to go to universities. According to the Mini-Cartoon test, girls have a good characterological potential for self-actualization: moderately elevated scales of 9, 6, 8 and 4. But somewhere in third place is a slightly increased anxiety. In general, life activity, purposefulness, high self-esteem, optimism, and spontaneity predominate. For comparison: people with low self-actualization in the first places on the scale of 2,7 and 1, that is, «depression», «anxiety» and «hypochondriac tendencies». In general, the POI and CAT tests give a highly significant correlation with the scales and factors of the MMPI test, on the basis of which a reduced analogue of the Mini-mult is made. The CAT scales «support», «self-actualization values», «self-respect» and «spontaneity» are highly positively correlated with the MMPI factor of self-confidence and high self-esteem (9). At the same time, a highly significant negative correlation of CAT and POI with scales 2, 7, 0 (“0” — introversion) of MMPI (9; 21) is found.

All these factors allow us to draw the following conclusions. POI and CAT tests are detected in high school students characterological potential of self-actualization of the personality, and to a much lesser extent — its general cultural value potential. These methods do not determine the level of personality development, which should include the quality of realization of basic needs, the quality of the characterological status and the degree of actualization of general cultural values. Those. the general level of development is determined by the degree of harmonic integration and actualization of all components of the natural personal potential. It is necessary to develop a set of methods to determine the level of personality development, which at the theoretical level is close to the level of Maslow’s self-actualization, but unlike it, it necessarily includes the degree of harmony of this process as a very significant component.

The second conclusion is related to the age aspect of the problem. 15-16-year-olds are at an early stage of self-actualization and, naturally, disharmony and contradictions arise in this process. Their important age feature is a strong desire for independence. It meets resistance on the part of adults and is often even more intensified, defended, which, in particular, is manifested in a slight increase in the 6th scale of the Mini-cartoon test, rigidity, in many high school students. Subjectively, this can also be experienced as selfishness in relation to others, as an internal contradiction. “We strongly welcome… independence, but… an excess of inner guidance is dangerous because a person can become insensitive to the rights and feelings of other people… An actualizer… does not fall into the extremes of inner guidance” (21, p. 63). This is exactly what is observed in some students, especially those with a characterological status favorable for self-actualization. They want to achieve a lot, but they “row mainly for themselves”, forgetting or neglecting others. By this they create the ground for conflicts with people and difficulties in creating a family, in maintaining friendly relations.

tausaga to some extent explains and justifies such disharmony in the development of the personality of high school students. Parents, teachers and students with a high level of self-actualization need to pay special attention to the moral development of the individual.

Shostrom’s data convincingly confirm the correctness of our conclusions. Comparative performance of different groups of American subjects tested using the POI methodology reveals a higher level of self-actualization in male criminals than in college students! (21). And although all these groups do not reach a high level of self-actualization, the fact is nevertheless significant and allows us to conclude that the POI and CAT tests are not sensitive to selfish and antisocial tendencies that prevent the maintenance of stable and long-term self-actualization. Interestingly, the “human nature” scale of criminals is significantly lower than that of students. For a full life in society, a certain level of acceptability of forms and methods of self-actualization is necessary. This is an important component of the integrity, harmony of the personality, an indicator of its maturity (22, p. 36). Acceptance in society and nature is achieved not only by accepting oneself, but also by others, by moral service not only to the micro-society, but also to all mankind, earthly nature, the Cosmos.

If high-actualized students tend to value themselves highly and others low, then some low-actualized students, on the contrary, tend to value themselves low and highly others; In both cases, we see an imbalance in the relationship. More optimal and harmonious is such a balance: I am valuable and You are valuable, and We, humanity, are valuable. Apparently, such a balance of values ​​is achieved gradually with age, when the gap characteristic of high school students between the strength of the basic desire for freedom, independence and the degree of its implementation in behavior is overcome (4,2 and 2,4 points, respectively, determined by the five-point grading system of the Basic Aspirations methodology). «).

For the harmonious development of the personality, the completeness of the realization of basic needs, and first of all positive ones, is essential. It is possible that with a high degree of realization of the basic needs of self-actualization of these students, negative mental states of a situational nature interfere. But it can also be assumed that there is a certain average or somewhat higher than the average level of completeness of realization, which is the most optimal, harmonious, in terms of maintaining the intention to a holistic, versatile self-realization of the individual. The latter is relevant for students who still have a lot to do on their own (and not at the expense of their parents) in order to really become satisfied with their independence and their level of development. But, as the idol of our tenth graders Freddie Mercury said, «The show must go on.» Those. and satisfaction with one’s self-actualization should not be maximum, otherwise the game of life will cease to be interesting and creative.

The next case shows the importance of a balance between primary and secondary adaptive basic needs — the «lower» and the «higher» in Maslow’s terminology. The subject G.M. (Grade 9) found a very strong desire for development and a very high level of its implementation (both 5 points each in the survey using the «Basic aspirations» method). At the same time, the primary basic desire to live and preserve life is weakly expressed in him, and the degree of its implementation is also low (both 2 points each). There are very low scores, on 1 point, and on the second primary desire for personality strength, for confidence and high self-esteem. According to the Mini-cartoon test in G.M., among the leading peaks of the scale are 9 and 2, «vital activity» and «depression», which indicates the prevailing state of tension and remaining internal inconsistency with periods of apathy and confusion. G.M. explains his condition in this way: “There are many contradictions: the biggest ones are morbid pride and shyness. I blame myself all the time for being shy. Sometimes I feel that I do not live as I should, but I don’t know how I should. I don’t complain about others, although often they don’t understand me. Often you want to leave this world, but it’s scary. … Living life to the fullest means being in harmony with yourself and those around you.”

Looping G.M. on pride, the desire to protect one’s Self is evident from the fact that the leading peak in Mini-cartoon is his scale 6 — «rigidity». The realization of the need for independence is rated low (2 points). And she’s average. The implementation of independence is hindered by shyness and, as usual in adolescents, dependence on parents and misunderstanding, the lack of identification of the meaning of one’s own life. G.M. — a well-performing student, maintains a section on literature in the school magazine, reads complex books.

Despite active self-realization, G.M. there is no feeling of fullness of life, harmony with oneself, there is not even a pronounced desire to live. Primary needs are suppressed. Therefore, self-actualization alone is not enough to feel the joy and fullness of life. For this, it is absolutely necessary, at least at an average level, to satisfy the primary needs and desire for freedom. Intellectual, creative self-realization without this does not bring peace and joy. And joy, as N. Roerich believed, “is a special wisdom. Joy is the health of the spirit” (16). Not everything is so sad with G.M. He is on the threshold of self-determination of his life purpose. This is a crisis of growth, but not a decline. This is his temporary state. This is indicated by the presence in the personality profile according to the Mini-cartoon test of sufficiently high energy scales — 6 and 9, which create a potentially high power of the Self. This power and communication with wise people will help him get out of situational depression.

Similar disharmony between the «earthly» and «heavenly» we observe among students of philosophy at the Russian Open University. 19 sophomores were examined according to the method of «Lifestyle of the Personality», CAT, etc. It turned out that the students’ spiritual line of life (addressing the eternal issues of life and death, the truth of good and evil, the meaning of life, the structure of the Cosmos, etc.) is expressed significantly stronger than that of high school students: their average score is 3,8 versus 2,92 for schoolchildren according to a five-point grading system. The physical line, expressed in activities with predominantly physical activity, is much weaker among philosophers: 2,9 points against 3,52 for high school students. The natural line of life, expressed in outdoor activities, in communication with nature, is even lower among students: 2,45 points against 3,4 points for schoolchildren. An analysis of the biographies of many acquaintances and famous people showed that all 12 life lines presented in the Personal Lifestyle methodology are adaptively necessary. Subjectively, they can have different values, but, nevertheless, you need to pay attention to all these lines (mental and physical, vain and everyday and eternally spiritual, natural and civilized, collective and individual, creative and routine, communication with the opposite sex and communication with people of the same sex). The more lines of life are ignored, not carried out, the lower the degree of harmony of the individual’s lifestyle. Ignoring is a low assessment of the severity of interest in this type of activity and the time spent on it (2 or 1 point).

A high level of harmonious lifestyle is observed only in 26,3% of philosophers, among high school students — in 35,5%. Only one student reached the level of high self-actualization. This student “corresponds” to the low level of harmonious lifestyle, which indicates a narrow specialization in the sphere of self-actualization. These data indicate the presence of disharmony between the spiritual and physical activities of philosophers, indicate an insufficient level of communication with nature. The quality of philosophizing from these imbalances does not increase, but, on the contrary, decreases. As in previous cases, we see here the partial nature of self-actualization and self-development of the personality as a whole.

Interestingly, according to V.T. Maya and R. Ilardi, students of the American College of Medicine, who tend to rate religious values ​​highly on the Values ​​Learning Scales, have a low level of self-actualization. Orientation to rigid moral and spiritual values ​​either blocks their self-actualization, or has not yet found ways of its active self-realization. Most likely, there is both. According to Dandis, «dogmatism» is negatively correlated with all POI scales, but «liberalism» is also positively correlated with all test scales except for the «synergy» scale (21). Most religions often lead to the dogmatization of the personality, especially among novice adherents, and to the suppression of the freedom-loving and playful nature of self-actualization. And, as we saw above, spiritual and general cultural values ​​alone are not enough for the harmonious development of the personality, for integral self-actualization. There is no direct connection between the level of achievements and the level of harmony in the way of life. Subject E.M., grade 11, excellent student, externally entered the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. She showed a very low level of harmony in her lifestyle. And vice versa, middle achievers more often show a high level of harmonious lifestyle.

Le aotelega

  1. In many cases, the high level of self-actualization measured by the POI and CAT methods is only partial self-actualization and cannot serve as an indicator of the overall development of the individual. This conclusion applies not only to high school students, but also to adults. Both of these methods measure the characterological potential of the personality, which is more favorable for self-actualization, but not the integral system of its internal determination.
  2. The hypothesis is confirmed that the development of the personality should be primarily focused on achieving a harmonious process of self-actualization, and not on achieving maximum success in the realization of the destination. Otherwise, high achievements do not bring satisfaction, inner peace and joy.
  3. The reasons for the dissatisfaction of highly actualized students are serious disharmony in their natural, basic personal potential, in one or more of its components, and partial self-realization. External disharmony of the personality are generated by internal ones.
  4. The state and degree of harmony of the natural potential of the individual is the main determinant of the general socio-cultural and behavioral characteristics of a person.
  5. Harmonious self-actualization e aofia ai: structural harmony of personality in the form of integration of internal potentials, establishment of predominantly optimal ratios within each of the three components of the basic personality and between these components; emotional harmony in the form of predominantly positive mental states and emotional tone of life; its procedural harmony in the form of predominantly optimal functioning — reasonable expenditure of energy resources, moderate strength of desire, maintaining a game element in self-actualization, balance of different types of activities, etc.
  6. Based on the canon of the golden section, we can consider a harmonious situation when about two-thirds of the internal and external relationships of the personality are optimally balanced, and the other third is not balanced. The same, apparently, concerns the ratio of positive and negative experiences in self-actualization, and the features of functioning. Balanced personality loci optimally dynamize the development process. At the same time, one should take into account the special need for the paramount harmonization of the adaptively most important moments of the basic potential of the individual: primary basic aspirations, moral cultural orientations and balance in the characterological status of subneurotic and normally expressed traits.
  7. The American mentality is characterized by the orientation of self-actualization towards very high successes in a competitive social environment, towards a victorious character, towards initiative, the ability to adequately accept the challenges of the environment. “The disastrous orientation of our society to the market makes actualization extremely difficult” (21, p. 35).
  8. The Russian mentality focuses development primarily on the requirements of a largely totalitarian state, on the average manifestations and, on the other hand, on justice and conscientiousness (the latter, unfortunately, is only ideal for many). Neither one nor the other mentalities and societies contribute to the process of harmonious self-actualization.
  9. The level of harmony in the development of a personality can be theoretically determined by the ratio of the number of optimal and non-optimal balances in the natural base and in the I-potentials of a person. To paraphrase Maslow, we formulate a new motto: «Man must become as harmonious as he can become.»


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