Osteoporosis – a deadly disease that needs to be “looked in the eye” and fought!
Osteoporosis - o se faʻamaʻi mataʻutia e manaʻomia le "vaʻai i mata" ma tau!

Osteoporosis, which is said to be a disease of civilization, takes a huge disgraceful toll. In many cases, it is unfortunately the result of an inappropriate lifestyle. Residents of highly developed countries who lead a certain lifestyle are particularly exposed to it – they work a lot, sit a lot, eat a lot, rest little and move little.

It is a disease that is the result of improper metabolism of bone tissue. Under the influence of various factors, the process of bone tissue destruction is faster than its reconstruction. An imbalance between the two processes leads to permanent bone loss and a reduction in their quality. These changes then lead to frequent fractures, which can occur even as a result of minor injuries. Sometimes they can even occur spontaneously.

Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease

O le osteoporosis muamua, which is the result of the natural aging process, most often affects post-menopausal women and men over 65 years of age. In women, hormonal changes, especially estrogen deficiency, contribute to osteoporosis. During the climacteric period, doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy prophylactically for patients, which makes them feel better and protects against osteoporosis. What are other causes of osteoporosis? The occurrence of osteoporosis may be influenced by an improper lifestyle, in which, for example, a proper diet is missing. Calcium and phosphorus in the body are very important for good bone health. To get them, you need to eat foods with dairy products, meat, but also vegetables. If they are missing in the daily diet, osteoporosis can accelerate its development. The real bone killer is a sedentary lifestyle. Let us add that vitamin D is necessary for the proper absorption of calcium. It is produced in the human body under the influence of sunlight. To produce it naturally, it is important to be outdoors.

There is another type of osteoporosis – osteoporosis lona lua. There is no special influence on it in a prophylactic way. Bone fragility is very often the result of other diseases, or taking medications that manifest as such a side effect. Treatment of hormonal disorders in hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, as well as diabetes or premature menopause – these are diseases that can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body and lead to side effects of medications. On the other hand, in the presence of diseases of the digestive system, malabsorption occurs, e.g. so necessary for the bones – calcium. Osteoporosis very often occurs in parallel with rheumatic diseases. Chronic inflammation seriously weakens the skeletal system.

Symptoms and risk group

Osteoporosis is manifested by a decrease in bone density, weakening of their structure and increased susceptibility to fractures. It goes undiagnosed for a long time. It does not show any earlier symptoms. Bone loss goes unnoticed for a long time. The risk of this disease increases with age. There is a gradual process of bone tissue loss, which begins after the age of 30 and intensifies during menopause. The ailments associated with it begin to be felt by women in the premenopausal stage after the age of 40. Nearly 40 percent of women aged 50+, as studies show, break a bone as a result of osteoporosis. These data are alarming. Their results indicate that it is necessary to undergo prophylactic measures at the right time. Post-menopausal women experience even faster bone loss, 2 to 3% per year.

Fractures and then what?

In the early stages of osteoporosis development, there are no clear symptoms of this disease. It is usually identified when a bone breaks. Osteoporosis is usually diagnosed by an orthopedic surgeon. The most common fracture is a vertebral fracture. It is quite unclear in osteoporosis. It proceeds secretly, manifesting itself in the appearance of a specific hump, which begins to significantly affect mobility problems. This is accompanied by severe pain, mood deterioration, and in extreme cases even depression. This is often mistaken for a typical symptom of old age. In addition, severe and sudden back pain can herald a broken vertebra or vertebrae, and they can cause pressure on the nearby nerve roots. The pain then intensifies, the limbs become numb, and even partial paresis may occur. Eventually, the long bones may break, most commonly the bones of the forearm or femur. These are severe, dangerous and very painful fractures. They then lead to deformation of the tissues around the fracture and, consequently, problems with movement.

Treating osteoporosis is basically a process of minimizing and eliminating the risk of fractures. In consultation with the doctor, the treatment is usually determined by taking appropriate medications. However, in addition to this, the patient himself must take care of proper diet in osteoporosis and proper lifestyle. Usually, the orthopedist will recommend an individually selected set of exercises and enrichment of the diet in consultation with a dietitian. The chosen method of treatment depends on the type of osteoporosis in this situation. Among the drugs that are currently available on the market for this disease, there are, among others: Calperos — one of the preparations that help replenish the level of calcium in the body. It is available over the counter and in many formats, so theoretically you can get it yourself at a pharmacy. However, it is always worth determining its intake in consultation with a doctor, in the context of the entire course of the disease and its stage of advancement.


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