Faalauteleina o le lumbar tafatolu
  • Vaega o musele: ogatotonu i tua
  • Extra maso: Trapezoid
  • Ituaiga o faʻamalositino: Faʻaloaloa
  • Meafaigaluega: Isi
  • Tulaga o faigata: Feololo
Растяжка поясничного треугольника Растяжка поясничного треугольника
Растяжка поясничного треугольника Растяжка поясничного треугольника

Stretching the lumbar triangle — technique exercises:

  1. Lie on your back. Put the roller under your upper back. Fold your arms across your chest, pinch shoulder blade. This will be your initial position.
  2. Raise your hips, moving the weight on the roller. Turn to each side alternately, moving the weight left and right, as shown in the figure. At the end of each turn delay of 10-30 seconds.
faʻamalositino faʻamalositino mo le tua
  • Vaega o musele: ogatotonu i tua
  • Extra maso: Trapezoid
  • Ituaiga o faʻamalositino: Faʻaloaloa
  • Meafaigaluega: Isi
  • Tulaga o faigata: Feololo

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