9 oloa lanu viole e matua aoga tele mo le soifua maloloina
The brighter the color of vegetables and fruits, the more they benefit. Such foods will enhance any spring or summer table, and in combination with the meat and greens they are also very tasty.

We have already been talking about useful yellow vegetables and why you need to eat red and orange vegetables. Time for the purple! Why we need to eat purple vegetables?


By the color beets are from a dark maroon to purple. The composition of beets includes a lot of different vitamins and mineral elements, and most importantly, during heat treatment, they are not destroyed and do not lose its nutritional properties.


Eggplant contains fiber, vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and sodium. The consumption of this vegetable lowers cholesterol, removes toxins from the organism, improves heart function, reduces swelling.

O pateta viole

This variety of potato contains four times more antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, anthocyanins, which give the potatoes this shade. Purple root of vegetables slows down the aging process, strengthen the immune system, improves vision, improve elasticity of blood vessels.

Red/purple cabbage

This kind of cabbage ripens late, and therefore there are more nutrients. In red cabbage there is a lot of anthocyanins, their regular consumption normalizes the process of hematopoiesis, kidney, thyroid gland.

9 oloa lanu viole e matua aoga tele mo le soifua maloloina

Pulu samasama

This cabbage is another source of anthocyanins. The use of colored inflorescences prevents heart disease and circulatory system, ensure the supply of vitamin C, fiber, vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, potassium and selenium.


Purple varieties of carrots contain more anthocyanins and possess strong antioxidant properties. Vegetable normalizes the level of cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation and has anti-inflammatory effect.


The colour of the blueberry is rich blue-violet. This berry is classified as Superfood, it regulates the cardiovascular system, improves brain function, slows down aging, help the bowel. Its beneficial properties of the blueberry preserves and freeze once.


Figs contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, many minerals and antioxidants. In dried fruits the amount of nutrients increases in 3 times per 100 grams of product. Figs AIDS digestion, removes excess fluid from the body, helps the heart and blood vessels.

9 oloa lanu viole e matua aoga tele mo le soifua maloloina


Blackberries have a deep bluish-black color. This berry is very useful, it helps the regeneration of red blood cells, improves metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, removes from the body salts of heavy metals.

Ia maloloina!

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